baby update: 36 weeks & baby showers.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Technically I'm almost 37 weeks but I had to stop time for a minute and write down everything that has been happening since I wrote the last baby update 6 weeks ago. It's been a full 6 weeks, with this baby boy of ours growing to what I feel like is his max (I mean how can I get any bigger than I am it that picture above...seriously. and yes, I know I say that every time, but this time I sincerely mean it). 

My favorite thing lately is feeling him get the hiccups almost everyday. It's a big moment in our house, when it happens (usually in the evenings) I yell for Tanner and he puts his hand on my stomach and we both feel those adorable hiccups together. There is nothing cuter, and I can't wait to meet that hiccuping baby soon!

Speaking of, at this point it could be anytime now. Our last few doctor appointments have made us feel like we need to be ready now for this little guy to come at any time. My belly has been measuring ahead of schedule for the past many appointments and this week my doctor said I'm dilated to a 2. Already! More than that, my prayers have been answered and our little man has started to drop and is head down. Hallelujah! Other things have started to happen (I'll spare you the details) which has confirmed that my body is getting ready to push this baby out! We just can't wait for our little boy to get here, even though we have decided he has to wait at least a week and a half until our carseat gets here. Kinda important I know. So hold off little buddy till then. 

The past few weeks have certainly been the funnest of my whole pregnancy by far. Baby boy and I have been spoiled rotten by our family and friends on both sides! 

 ^^we had our first baby shower a couple days before Thanksgiving thrown by these two lovely women above. My Momma Rhodes and cousin Katie! I loved celebrating this special time with the Rhodes and Wirig sides of the family as we played some hil-airious minute-to-win it games (all pregnancy and baby related of course) and ate the most delicious apple crisp. It was oh so fun. 

^^my way too cool little sister in law Amanda and me after the baby shower. I find it so special that this little boy of ours will be making all of our siblings first time aunts and uncles!

 ^^to top it all off, last weekend we had our second baby shower with my side of the family and all of our friends. It was perfect. I mean look at those invitations. Swoon.

^^and these cupcakes made by my sister (how cute are those homemade milk chocolate duckies!), along with a gourmet hot chocolate bar, and lots of yummy food, made it a day to remember. My Mom and sister did an amazing job putting this all together. And there was nothing better than sharing it with all my dearest friends and family who spoiled me and baby boy far beyond my expectations. I can't wait to share all the adorable outfits and not to mention my dream stroller that I was way too excited about with you all. 

 ^^my beautiful mama, who is soon to be a grandma

 ^^the baby shower aftermath, with my two favorite ladies that made this all happen. I love you both way too much.

There were so many more people who made these baby showers so perfect, and I must find all the photos that were took that day and post them, because boy do I fell blessed to have the friends and family that I have. Not to mention, my best buddy that will make his appearance soon! Now, I'm just trying to soak up and enjoy the last few weeks of being pregnant as I fight through a nasty cold to get everything done before he arrives. WHY IS THERE NOT MORE TIME IN THE DAY! (And why must pregnant women get sick, it should be against the law of nature. C'mon). At least I have the best husband who will spend our friday date night putting together all of our baby items including the swing, crib, and bassinet. And more than that, be just as excited as I am as we do it. 

Baby boy, if you can't tell already, we can't wait to meet you!

happy december.

Friday, December 13, 2013

November has come and gone so quickly. We had such a great Thanksgiving with Tanner's family in Utah where we filled ourselves with turkey and peppermint shakes from Chik-fil-a. Nothing better.

But now its December, my absolute favorite month of the year! I mean, it's my birthday and christmas, so it's basically a magical celebration all month long. How could it not be my favorite?!

Already this month, we've had lots of magical (my december buzz word, for sure) moments together.

^^We've walked through temple square and seen the lights, twice, once with Tanner's family and also last night as we rushed to get our seats for the Mormon Tabernacle Christmas Concert (which was amazzzing). The first time was definitely a lot more enjoyable. There is something not so graceful about a 8 month pregnant woman speed "walking" er... waddling through crowds in her church dress, slipping on ice, all while getting distracted by the gorgeous christmas lights to help her forget about her shrinking bladder. Yep, not graceful.

** please note Tanner's annual Thanksgiving stache. 

^^We picked out our christmas tree, which we take very very seriously. We drove to our annual spot, "Francisco's Christmas Tree" lot by Target only to find a newly built gas station in its spot. Um what. You can not ruin tradition like that. But we were able to still keep the tradition alive, and find their new lot near Toy's R Us. Not as classy Francisco, but it still worked for us. And we found him. Our tree. 

^^He is perfect and smells so magical. 
The husband too. 

^^We shared a moment when our lopsided bellies touched. It was definitely meant to be. 

^^This year we soaked in the fact that this will be the last time in a long while where we will tie up our tree on the top of our car, and drive our tree home. Next Christmas in Manhattan (more on that later!) we will... umm not sure what we will do, but there certainly will not be a car involved.
 Love that husband of mine, and his tree tying skills. 

^^Another favorite of december has to be all the decorations that are involved. There is nothing better than dancing and singing to Christmas music all throughout the house with your husband setting up the Christmas tree, lights, ribbons, fresh wreaths (from trader joes all the way from California, thanks Mom!), and stockings. 

Except maybe hanging up a third stocking for the first time. That was certainly a magical moment. 

happy december!

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